support queer fear

DREAM IT: DonationS

Support the Queer Fear Film Festival with a donation to help cover filmmaker travel, venue rentals, outreach materials, and more. Your generosity ensures we can continue to celebrate and showcase diverse LGBTQ+ horror stories to a wide audience. Help us bring these dreams to life! As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations to the Queer Fear Film Festival are tax-deductible. Your generous contributions not only support our mission but also offer you a tax benefit, making your support even more impactful.

Build it: Business Partnership

Partnering with Queer Fear supports our mission to amplify LGBTQ+ voices in horror and showcases your commitment to diversity and inclusion. Together, we can build a vibrant community, create unique marketing opportunities, and connect your brand with a passionate and engaged audience. Contact Festival Director Tiffany Albright for details.

LIVE IT: Volunteer

Volunteer with the Queer Fear Film Festival and help us showcase diverse LGBTQ+ horror stories! Your passion and dedication will make a huge impact—join the QF community and be a part of something truly special! Fill out Volunteer Interest Form to learn more about getting involved!